The Benefice of:

The Brickhills &
Stoke Hammond


Revd John Waller
The Rectory
10 Pound Hill 
Great Brickhill
Milton Keynes
MK17 9AS
Tel: 01525 261062

You Tube Recordings

You Tube Recordings Started During COVID-19

From 1st January the recordings will be done for special occasions only.

The funeral service for the Rector's wife, Pauline Waller, was held at St Mary the Virgin Church, Great Brickhill on Tuesday 4th January. The service was filmed - the recording is below:-



A reflection and prayer is recorded most weeks, mainly by the Rector, and there is a recording
of a parable or a story suitable for children.

These can be found on the following links:-

The Rector's sermon at the service in Great Brickhill church on Christmas morning:-

and a story, read by Andrew Smith, which was filmed near the Christmas tree in Great Brickhill church, “The Shepherd's Story”:-  


SUNDAY 12th December, the Third Sunday of Advent. Filmed in Great Brickhill & Stoke Hammond churches:-

SUNDAY 5th December - no recordings this week.
The next ones will be for Sunday 12th December

SUNDAY 28th November, Advent Sunday. Filmed near the Advent Wreath in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 14th November, Remembrance Sunday. Filmed in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 7th November - no recordings this week.
Until the end of the year the recordings will now be done on a fortnightly basis

SUNDAY 31st October, at the start of the COP26 Conference, celebrating All Saints' Day. Filmed near the altar in Stoke Hammond church:-

SUNDAY 24th October, Twenty First Sunday after Trinity, celebrating Bible Sunday. There is no written or recorded reflection / story for this week. These will resume for next Sunday, 31st October.

SUNDAY 17th October, Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, celebrating St Luke. Filmed near the altar and by the font in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 10th October, Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, celebrating Harvest and Thanksgiving:-

  • No Reflection & Prayer this week. Bishop Alan's sermon at the Thanksgiving Service at Great Brickhill has been recorded:-
  • Filmed in Bow Brickhill Church - Bible story video, 'Sowing seeds of faith and hope' (based on the parable of the sower):-

SUNDAY 3rd October, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in Little Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 26th September, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in a garden in Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 19th September, Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in gardens in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 12th September, Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed near one of the crosses in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 5th September, Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed at the entance to the church and in a garden in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 29th August, Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in gardens in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 22nd August, Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in the cemetery at Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 15th August, Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, celebrating the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Filmed in the church at Stoke Hammond:-

SUNDAY 8th August, Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed near the pulpit in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 1st August, Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed near the altar in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 25th July, Eighth Sunday after Trinity, the Feast of St James. Filmed in a garden in Little Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 18th July, Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in the refreshment area and the churchyard at Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 11th July, Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in a garden in Great Brickhill and in the new gathering, refreshment area in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 4th July, Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in the outdoor children's play area at the new Church Community Hall in Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 27th June, Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in a garden in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 20th June, Third Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in the side chapel in Little Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 13th June, Second Sunday after Trinity. Filmed in a colourful spring garden in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 6th June, First Sunday after Trinity. Filmed near the Forest School in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 30th May, Trinity Sunday. Filmed at a farm in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 23rd May, Whit Sunday - Pentecost. Filmed in a garden in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 16th May, Sunday after Ascension Day - the Seventh Sunday of Easter.  Filmed inside Little
Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 9th May, Sixth Sunday of Easter - Filmed in the rear of Stoke Hammond churchyard:-

SUNDAY 2nd May, Fifth Sunday of Easter - Filmed by the font at the entrance and by the Cradle Roll in
Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 25th April, Fourth Sunday of Easter - Filmed at the new Church Community Hall in Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 18th April, Third Sunday of Easter - Filmed in Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 11th April, Second Sunday of Easter - Filmed in the Lady Chapel and by the Easter garden at
Little Brickhill church:-


The Rector's reading of the Gospel and sermon at the Easter Day service at Great Brickhill church were filmed. The recording is available via the following You Tube link:-

Suzanne Cook has recorded the story “A Happy Day”, filmed in a garden in Great Brickhill. 
The You Tube link is:- 

The Rector has recorded an Easter message, filmed amongst daffodils in Great Brickhill.
The You Tube link is:-

SUNDAY 28th March, Palm Sunday - Filmed next to the cross in the choir stalls and along the church path
at Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 21st March - Filmed at the steps to the altar and at the font in Stoke Hammond church:-

SUNDAY 14th March, Mothers' Day - Filmed in the altar in Little Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 7th March - Filmed in the village and at the church in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 28th FEBRUARY - Filmed at the altar in Bow Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 21st FEBRUARY - Filmed on a very windy day among the snowdrops in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 14th FEBRUARY - Filmed on the steps to the pulpit in Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 7th FEBRUARY - Filmed in Great Brickhill at the Church and at Rectory Farm:-

SUNDAY 31st JANUARY - Filmed near the altar in Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 24th JANUARY - Filmed near the altar in Stoke Hammond Church:-

SUNDAY 17th JANUARY - Filmed near the lectern in Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 10th JANUARY - Filmed near the font in Little Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 3rd JANUARY - Filmed near the three kings in Great Brickhill Church:-



The Rector's reading of the Gospel and sermon at the Christmas morning service at Great Brickhill church were filmed. The recording is available via the following You Tube link:-


Andrew Smith has recorded the story “The First Christmas”, filmed near the Christmas tree in Great Brickhill Church. This is a lovely story for the children, wonderfully told by Andrew - please consider showing this to your children/grandchildren. 
The You Tube link is:- 


The Rector has recorded a Christmas message, which is on You Tube and available via the following link:- 


Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, filmed in Great Brickhill Church:-


A weekly reflection and prayer has been recorded, mainly by the Rector, plus a recording of a parable or a story suitable for children.

These can be found on the following links:-

SUNDAY 20th DECEMBER - Filmed near Advent wreath and the crib in Little Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER - Filmed near Advent wreath in Stoke Hammond Church:-

SUNDAY 6th DECEMBER - Filmed near Advent wreath at the steps near the pulpit in Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 29th NOVEMBER - Filmed at the altar at Bow Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 22nd NOVEMBER - Filmed at the lectern and near the pulpit at Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 15th NOVEMBER - Filmed at the altar at Great Brickhill Church:-

A short service was held on Remebrance Sunday at the War Memorial in Great Brickhill. The event was filmed and is now available on You Tube, via the following link:-   

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8th NOVEMBER - Filmed near the War Memorial in Stoke Hammond Church:-

SUNDAY 1st NOVEMBER - Filmed inside All Saints' Church at Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 25th OCTOBER - Filmed near the building work and in the choir stalls inside Great Brickhill church:-

SUNDAY 18th OCTOBER - Filmed at St Luke's church in Stoke Hammond:-

SUNDAY 11th OCTOBER - Filmed at the altar in the church at Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 4th OCTOBER - Filmed near the pulpit at the church in Little Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 27th SEPTEMBER - Filmed on a very windy day at Rectory Farm in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 20th SEPTEMBER - Filmed in garden locations in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 13th SEPTEMBER - Filmed in the Lady Chapel at Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 6th SEPTEMBER - Filmed in the churchyard at Bow Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 30th AUGUST - Filmed at a location in Great Brickhill and Little Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST - Filmed by the font at the church in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 16th AUGUST - Filmed at a location in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 9th AUGUST - Filmed outside the church at Stoke Hammond:-

SUNDAY 2nd AUGUST - Filmed at the Cricket Club in Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 26th JULY - Filmed inside the church at Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 19th JULY - Filmed in the wild area of the churchyard at Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 12th JULY - Filmed at Rectory Farm, Great Brickhill:-

SUNDAY 5th JULY - Filmed at the altar of Great Brickhill Church:-

SUNDAY 28th JUNE - Filmed at the entrance of Great Brickhill Church:-

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