The Benefice of:

The Brickhills &
Stoke Hammond


Revd John Waller
The Rectory
10 Pound Hill 
Great Brickhill
Milton Keynes
MK17 9AS
Tel: 01525 261062

Lent Courses


As last year the Lent Course will follow the course which the Oxford Diocese has been running during Lent for the last few years. The full details appear on the diocesan website, ..... 

"Come and See"

The theme this year is “The Way of Love”, looking at how the commandments to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and mind and strength”, and to “love your neighbour as yourself" can give a rhythm and a shape to our lives.

Those who sign up will receive a short email each day during Lent, Monday to Saturday, and on Sundays there is a short video from Bishop Steven exploring the theme for Come and See in a bit more detail. There are separate weekly emails for children and families.

To find out more, and to register for the daily e-mails, go to:- 

This year Come and See starts on Ash Wednesday, 14th February 2024.


We will be using the “Come and See” resources. There will be two sessions each week for the Lent Course:-

(1). Tuesdays afternoons 20th, 27th, March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 18th April
at Orchard Cottage, Old School Lane (almost opposite the church gates), Stoke Hammond. 1.00pm for Soup Lunch, 1.30 – 3.00pm for the course. (The hosts are Clifford and Pauline Price:- 01525 270830

(2).  Midweek evening sessions across the Benefice at 8pm:
-   Thursday 22nd February, Bow Brickhill Church Community Hall
-   Thursday 29th February, The Rectory, Pound Hill, Great Brickhill
-   Wednesday 6th March, Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill
-   Tuesday 12th March, Bow Brickhill Church Community Hall
-   Wednesday 20th March, The Rectory, Pound Hill, Great Brickhill
-   Tuesday 26th March, Green Farm, Stoke Lane, Great Brickhill

All will be welcome to join in any of the sessions at any of the venues. The sessions are independent, and so you just turn up when you can.

For further details contact the Rector:-  01525 261062 

For a flyer giving details of the Lent Course and the Easter services:-  Click Here

Information on Lent Courses held prior to 2024 is available in the Archive section:-  Click Here

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