Church Services:-
A new service pattern for the Benefice was implemented in September 2021. The services across the Benefice follow a four month cycle. Every month each of the parishes hold a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am and a Family Service at 11.00am. The exception is when the parish holds the monthly Benefice service; on those weeks there is no other service held in the Benefice. If there is a fifth Sunday in the month there is an additional Benefice service held in one of the churches on a rotational basis. United Benefice Services are also held on days such as Ash Wednesday.
The services are normally held in the church but Bow Brickhill hold most of their Family Services in their Community Hall. Occasionally services are held elsewhere, sometimes at outdoor locations.
A copy of the service schedules is on dislpay at all the churches, as well as on this website on the front "Home" page. The details are also included in the Newsletters of all the parishes.
Other Worship / Outreach Events:-
General Within the Benefice:
Rector's Bible Study at The Rectory:
A monthly Bible Study is held at The Rectory in Great Brickhill, usually on the third Thursday of the month at 8pm. All are welcome to come and discuss the passages from the bible from one of our forthcoming services. No prior knowledge of the text is required.
Preparation for baptism, confirmation and marriage is arranged as required by the Rector.
Lent Courses are held each year. It is usually a five week course following a theme chosen by the Rector. In recent years there has been a midweek afternoon session on Tuesday afternoons at Stoke Hammond and an atlernative evening session at different venues each week across the Benefice.
For details of Lent Courses go to the "Lent Course" section.
Alpha Courses have been held in each of the four parishes. Anyone wishing to enquire about the Alpha Course should contact the Rector.
Bow Brickhill:
Monthly Lunch Club & Wednesday Drop in:-
The church runs a lunch club once a month as a social event for villagers. Also, a weekly drop-in 2-4pm on Wednesdays in the winter, where anyone is welcome to come and have a chat and a cup of tea and coffee in the lovely warm Bow Brickhill Community Hall.
For details contact Andrea Spurdle:-
Great Brickhill:
Food Box:-
Access to the Food Box in the church porch is available at any time of day. If anyone would like to contribute to the stocked goods, we would be very grateful. All contributions can be placed inside the box or next to it. NO fresh foods please. The main requirements are:
Tea, coffee, long life milk, cereal, tinned meals, pasta sauce, soup, baked beans, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, custard.
There is a full list of suggestions inside the box lid.
Monday Morning Coffee Club:
The Monday Morning Coffee Club is held in the church every Monday during term time from 9.30am – 11.30am. All are welcome, any age from the very young, to the not quite so young!.
Monday Drop In:
Weekly Drop-in at the Parish Hall from 2.00 - 3.30pm. Call in for tea and chat.
The Post Office in the Parish Hall is also open on Mondays, from 1pm to 3pm in the small meeting room of the Parish Hall.
N.B. Please check the "Calendar" section of the website to see details of any ad hoc events.
Little Brickhill:
Friendship Group Every Thursday 3 - 4.30pm at The George Inn
Join us for Tea, cake and a chat. A chance to meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome!
Contact:- Julie Mayson 01525 261676 for further details.
Stoke Hammond:
Community Breakfast:
St Luke's Community Breakfast, is held in the Community Centre on the second Saturday of the month from 8.30 -10.30am.
All types of diet, Vegetarian/GF/Healthy are catered for. There is no charge, but donations are welcome.
Items for the Food Bank (which is being very heavily used at present) will be gratefully received at the breakfast, but any financial contribution for the food bank fund will also be appreciated.
N.B. The Food Bank is located in the church porch
Regular Prayer Groups are held and occasional Prayer Walks.
For details contact Diane Webber:-